Thursday, 16 May 2013

Outfit Inspiration: Super CUTE Backpacks

Since I went to schools with uniforms, the only backpack I have is a plain black one. Of course I improvised with crazy monkey key-chains, funny pins and tip-ex/white out art so I never really had a problem with my normal backpack. Sadly, she’s getting old and I had to look for replacements online and my oh my! Backpacks these days are so freaking adorable! I just can’t get over how cute they are! I don’t know if anyone would ever use these but I found the most quirky designs. Take a look:

Yes, I did embrace my inner child today =) Here are a few outfits I created on with really cute backpacks. Click the grey arrow on the right to view them all. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Recycle old T-shirt to skirt and bracelet 

I was recently cleaning out my closet and I found a couple old T-shirts that no longer fit me well. I took this as an opportunity to be creative and fun! Since there wasn't much work to do, I thought I’d make a DIY tutorial as well =D This is what I did with one of the T-shirts:
How to make the mini skirt

Making a skirt from your T-shirt is easier than tying your hair up in a ponytail. All you need for this is a good pair of scissors, fabric scissors would be best but normal ones will do fine too. First lay your T-shirt on a flat surface and draw a line right under the neckline. If you want to be more precise, you can fold your T-shirt in half and then draw a line on one half (The line I drew isn't straight). Then all you have to do is cut. That’s it! Your Mini skirt is all done. =D Wasn't that
super easy!?
My T-shirt had a print of a man’s face on the front and the back, kind of facing each other so I wear my skirt with the seam in the middle. This way both faces are visible. If your T-shirt doesn't have a print on it and you would like it you, you could always use fabric paint to create your own unique print.
How to make the bracelet 
To make this bracelet, you’ll need:
  • ·         Your old T-shirt
  • ·         1 or 2 chains or old necklaces
  • ·         Scissors
  • ·         Matching thread and needle
  • ·         Sticky tape, clipboard or something to hold strands together

Firstly, cut out all the seams so that there are no sewed together parts. This is what I was left with.

Now cut out 6 strands of approximately 1 inch/3cm and you don’t have to be very precise while cutting them. Then pull on the ends of each strand until they curl up and elongate a little. 

Make 3 bundles each consisting of 2 strands. You can add your chains to any bundles. I added one on each of the outside bundles. Then tape together one end so tightly so that they won’t come loose. 

Then you start braiding. If your chain has charms on it like mine does, try to get all the charms showing on one side. Once you’re done braid till your desired length, sew the strands together tightly to ensure that it won’t separate. Take off the sticky tape and do the same on that end too.

Now bring together both ends and determine how big you want your bracelet to be. Cut off the excess cloth and sew both ends firmly together. This is most probably going to look a tad bit messy, so cover it up with a small piece of cloth. Wrap it around the messy portion, and then invert your bracelet so that the wrong side is outside. Bring the ends of the fabric together and sew it securely together.  Then invert your bracelet back to normal and voilà, you’re finished! 

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Hint of colours!
Here are 5 looks I created using Polyvore that all incorporate a dash of bright colours in different ways, may it be the earrings, the bag or the belt. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Almost good news!

So a week ago I was introduced to the ASOS world of fashion and creativity. Not only can you create outfits and share them with other users, but you can also enter in various competitions and win awesome prizes! The best part is that its complete strangers who are ‘liking and commenting’ on your outfit creations. Those of you who are interested here’s a link to their site:

So typically there are 3 winners, first second and third, and then there are 4 highly commended entries. This particular one was a RED CARPET STYLE competition to see who could create the best Red carpet look. I’m still a beginner and haven’t yet mastered the presentation skills but I entered competitions anyway. After you enter you can see all the other entries, and after seeing them I was sure I wasn't going to get any recognition. Some of them were amazing! I so easily lost hope.  When the competition closed, I went online to see who had one. One of my favorites won 3rd place, but I was shocked to see that not one but two of my outfits were in the highly commended place. I honestly think that there were some truly incredible outfits that deserved it more than I did but i'm so happy!! =D Thank you ASOS Fashionfinder!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Free as a bird
So I was throwing out my old paint sets when I found that some of the tubes still had some paint left in them. A little bit frustrated at the time, I wanted to vigorously blend the colours together. Kind of like scribbling, but with wet paint. The first one represents the raw movement of the brush and the completely random colours I chose.  The paint dried very quickly so the blending didn't go so well, but I do admire the kind of angry forest-y feel it has.

For the second one I was more selective when it came to the colours I used because I wanted it to look more peaceful and magical. Once the blending was successfully done, I painted a couple birds sitting on lines. 

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Breathe in the ocean 

Summer's almost here!! Time for the nature-lover inside of you to wake up and get some fresh air. Sunny days, beachy hair, tanned skin, bikinis, water fights and summer loves. If you want to look hot this summer, here are some sexy swimsuits you could try:


1-ASOS, 2-Topshop, 3-ASOS

1-jcpenny, 2-newlook, 3- oldnavy            
1-jcpenny, 2-Victoria’s Secret, 3- Debenhams


Saturday, 6 April 2013

Fancy shoelaces 
Living in hot countries near the equator, my regular shoes were all slippers and sandals. The only time I wore actual sneakers was once every year for sports day (I was more into swimming than running and football). Then of course there are the shoes we had wear as part of our school uniform, which I wouldn't necessarily classify as sneakers. They were the classic black school shoes that we had to wear with horrible “school socks” that never fit anyone properly.
(School socks weren't blue) 

Getting back to the point, I recently bought my very first pair of converse sneakers! =) Playing it safe, i got the plain black ones and I really like them. They’re so comfortable and look good but I wanted to jazz them up a little without going too overboard on the first try. So I found out different ways to ‘weave’ shoelaces that are both easy to learn and practical. Here are a few that I tried out:

Asterisk & lattice lacing
Directions for first and second 

Hexagram & hash lacing
Directions for first and second 

Spider web & double cross lacing
Directions for first and second

Pentagram lacing
Hints and tips: if you’re going to try one of these styles, make sure the laces don’t get tangled and that they’re not bent, even on the inside because you don’t want to go back after you’re done and straighten everything out. And of course practice makes perfect!
If you want to try different styles, Ian’s shoelace site offers a wide range of lacing techniques and variations. Check it out: